CHEF Gaggan Anand : Pursuit of Perfection

By |2020-06-10T11:59:28+02:00May 30th, 2018|Asia, Asian Food, Bangkok, Chefs, Food & Travel, Food Culture, Reported Work, Restaurants, Travel, Travel and Culture, Travel in Asia|

In response to his intention to close Gaggan for good in 2020, Anand insists it’s best to “finish at your peak.” Passionate about the technique and produce of Japan, Anand, and his friend and frequent collaborator, chef Takeshi Fukuyama, plan to establish a 12-seater restaurant, GohGan, in Fukuoka. The idea, he explains, is to split his time between GohGan and Bangkok where his family will remain.

Dim Sum Restaurants in South Africa

By |2018-04-30T16:22:18+02:00April 30th, 2017|Africa, Asian Food, Cape Town, Featured Articles, Fine Dining, Food, Food Culture, Reported Work, Restaurants, South Africa, What to eat|

Yum cha, or dim sum as it’s known in the West, refers to the act of taking tea. Here’s a countrywide dim sum restaurant round-up to satisfy your cravings for these moreish bites. Written by Ishay Govender-Ypma (@IshayGovender) for Financial Mail. dim sum Dim sum has its roots in the Cantonese morning tradition of [...]

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