Devil’s Food Cake with Peppermint Marshmallow Topping (Welcome back Puyol!)
He broke his arm, but now he's back. Welcome back Carles Puyol - a decadent Devil's Food cake with Peppermint Marshmallow Topping to ease you into things.
He broke his arm, but now he's back. Welcome back Carles Puyol - a decadent Devil's Food cake with Peppermint Marshmallow Topping to ease you into things.
Happy Birthday Carles Puyol - 34 today, 24 forever!
This post is featured on Barcelona The Offside blog: *Please note that as stated in my About page, I am an independent blogger and the views expressed and interpretations set out below are my own and not in any way affiliated to any person or organisation. Many thanks to Sanctuary Sussi & Chuma, who [...]