Assisting Hunger Relief on the Ground

By |2017-04-06T17:38:51+02:00February 25th, 2015|Africa, Charity, Food & Fab Endorsed, Giveaway, Portfolio|

Assisting Hunger Relief on the Ground - #MAKEITHAPPEN Children Obs Junior School - Edible garden As a food and travel writer, I've had the opportunity to eat some of the world's most delicious food in markets and Michelin-starred restaurants too. The awful secret (shhhhhh!) is that I pay for most it myself. I [...]

Girl with the Red Spatula – Lisbon Part 1

By |2017-05-08T12:37:24+02:00April 24th, 2012|Food, Food & Travel, Giving Back, Recipes|

I have been in Lisbon for four days now and loving every moment of it. The Red Spatula and I have been sharing our meals too. To join me on this journey of sharing, simply click on this link here and join my WeFeedback Network. Together we can share more and make a bigger difference to keep children in schools and hunger-free.

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