How Durban, My Hometown, Made Me Who I Am

By |2017-05-05T15:57:53+02:00December 28th, 2015|Africa, Cities, Durban, Featured Articles, Home, Portfolio, Published, South Africa, South African Tourism, Tourism, Travel in Africa|

A Love Letter to Durban, city of my birth - South Africa  Durban, my hometown - the love I have for the city that made me who I am today. Durban ("Durbs") will forever live in my heart. For AFK Travel, 15 Dec 2015.  From the chilly west coast of South Africa, I find myself looking [...]

Your Childhood Home – Going Back There

By |2017-04-06T17:35:15+02:00March 28th, 2015|Africa, Featured Articles, Holidays, Home, People, Portfolio, Published, South Africa, The Fabulous|

Returning to your childhood home - my journey Ishay Govender-Ypma reflects on her returning to your childhood home, the changes that make visiting difficult and the constant pull to return. For Visi Magazine. Each year I return to our family home that rests at the bottom of steep road. The suburb has faded somewhat into [...]

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