A Salad for a Beloved Octopus

By |2017-05-08T13:12:38+02:00October 26th, 2010|Featured Articles, Food, Recipe Index, Recipes, Seafood|

A Salad for a Beloved Octopus This post is featured on Spain World Cup Blog, and you can read it here: http://spain.worldcupblog.org/world-cup-2010/ode-to-pulpo-paul-a-culinary-homage.html and The OffSide's Daily Dose: http://www.theoffside.com/daily-dose/daily-dose-october-27th-2010.html Ode to Pulpo Paul Paul January 2008 – 26 October 2010 (pic source unknown) Dearly beloved, today the world lays to rest our darling multi-armed [...]

In honour of a Cracking Blaugrana Victory!

By |2017-05-08T13:13:11+02:00October 19th, 2010|Featured Articles, Food, Recipe Index, Recipes, Starters|

I'm both proud and pleasantly surprised that those witty, always ready with an insightful jibe guys at theoffside picked up this blog post and I may, in future be doing more Barca football / food posts for them. You can view the cracker post on their site (http://barcelona.theoffside.com/) here: http://barcelona.theoffside.com/barcelona/in-honour-of-a-cracking-blaugrana-victory.html#more-3750 Visca el Barca! In a [...]

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