Ballotine of Chicken Breast, filled with Basil Pesto & Topped with Olive Tapenade and Bread Crumbs

By |2017-05-08T12:30:37+02:00June 5th, 2012|Chicken & Poultry, Featured Articles, Food, Food & Fab Endorsed, Mains, Mediterranean Delicacies, Recipe Index, Recipes|

A ballotine is traditionally a deboned leg of chicken or duck, stuffed, tied and rolled and steamed, poached or baked. Nowadays chicken breast and various cuts of red meat are also used to make a ballotine - really a fancy way of saying a stuffed and rolled piece of meat. I stuffed chicken breasts with Mediterranean Delicacies basil pesto and topped with their Olive Tapenade and bread crumbs.