Poland – More Than Pierogi & Vodka

By |2017-05-05T15:48:46+02:00March 9th, 2016|Europe, Featured Articles, Food & Travel, History, Poland, Portfolio, Published, Travel, Travel in Europe|

Poland - More Than Pierogi & Vodka - Nouveau Eats The Baltic regions are on the rise. We explore the splendour of nearby Poland, still shedding the cloak of communism and forging a new identity. Poland - More Than Pierogi & Vodka for Food and Home Entertaining Magazine, March 2016. Fall of the Iron Curtain [...]

Why we Climb

By |2017-04-05T14:19:28+02:00September 14th, 2015|Fiction & Frivolity, Instagram, Photography, Portfolio, Travel in Europe|

Why we Climb. On Hiking Mount Giewont, in Zakopane, Poland, spied through trees. Posted on Instagram Why we Climb For some, it is solitude they seek on the mountain trek.Peace is carved on the twisting climbs,Focus is honed in monitoring every potentially fatal step. For me, it is survival in spite of self:To combat headstrong [...]

Woman in the Blue Skirt

By |2017-04-05T14:20:13+02:00September 10th, 2015|Fiction & Frivolity, Instagram, People, Photography, Portfolio, Travel in Europe|

Woman in the Blue Skirt. [On Loss] Woman in the Blue Skirt This post appeared on InstagramHow high the stairs before the summit. How pained your limbs before this journey.How twisted the path you could never envision. Silvery webs coat our speech, an opiate perhaps, blanketing the hesitation and discomfort. Your tentative steps as a [...]

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