Griddled Dessert Peaches with Incredible Raspberry & Lime Drizzle

By |2017-05-08T12:48:43+02:00January 19th, 2012|Cakes, Cookies & Sweets, Food, Recipe Index, Recipes|

I stared at the raspberries and limes near the peaches in the fridge, almost begging to be let out and happened upon this dressing. From here on end, it shall be referred to as the most incredible dressing. Firstly, it's a cheerful, startling, almost lurid pink. Do not let that put you off. It is not pink in any sort of sissy shade. The mixture of lemon infused oil, lemon juice and that heavenly zing of lime, a splosh of honey and the tiniest sprinkle of sea salt flakes, makes this Raspberry Lime Drizzle truly, utterly, last-bit-in-the-bowl lickable.