Sugar, Spice and a Question of Identity – Réunion Island Food

By |2017-04-05T12:53:42+02:00February 14th, 2016|Africa, Coffee, Featured Articles, Portfolio, Published, Review, Travel, Travel in Africa|

Réunion Island Food, where culinary and cultural exploration meet Culinary and cultural exploration are deeply fused, Ishay Govender-Ypma (@IshayGovender) discovers on a visit to the volcanic French island, Réunion. For The National UAE, 4 Feb 2016. Author (2nd left) with a family of local farmers - they titled this: "The Malabar returns home" - [...]

Goat Cari and Rougail – Feasting in Réunion Island

By |2017-05-05T16:32:43+02:00November 4th, 2014|Africa, Featured Articles, Food & Travel, Portfolio, Published, Travel, Travel in Africa|

Goat Cari and Garam Massalé – Feasting in Réunion Island Linguistics, culture and feasting in Reunion Island. Tamils on the Island Carol & Frederika “The desire to identify as Tamil is important to us because it was denied in the past,” says Frederika Ramaretty when I ask about the peculiar nomenclature on Réunion [...]

Rėunion Island – Land of Spice and Coffee

By |2017-05-05T16:34:05+02:00October 10th, 2014|Africa, Featured Articles, Food & Travel, Portfolio, Published, Travel, Travel in Africa|

Rėunion Island – Land of Spice and Coffee, And Cultural Overlap sunset Reunion 700 km from Madagascar, Réunion Island, land of spice and coffee (formerly Île de Bourbon) a French outpost, is a small volcanic mass in the Indian Ocean. Réunion displays a mixed Asian and African heritage, while maintaining a distinctly French [...]

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