Ajoblanco (White Gazpacho) with Goat Cheese Croutons

By |2017-05-08T11:27:10+02:00December 17th, 2012|Europe, Food, Food & Fab Endorsed, Food & Travel, Mediterranean Delicacies, Recipe Development, Recipe Index, Recipes, Soups & Stews, Starters, Travel in Europe|

Today, I want to share an ajoblanco or white gazpacho soup, popular around Spain in summer and perfect for our fiery South African festive season. While ajo means garlic in Spanish, what makes this soup distintive are the almonds used.

A Salad for a Beloved Octopus

By |2017-05-08T13:12:38+02:00October 26th, 2010|Featured Articles, Food, Recipe Index, Recipes, Seafood|

A Salad for a Beloved Octopus This post is featured on Spain World Cup Blog, and you can read it here: http://spain.worldcupblog.org/world-cup-2010/ode-to-pulpo-paul-a-culinary-homage.html and The OffSide's Daily Dose: http://www.theoffside.com/daily-dose/daily-dose-october-27th-2010.html Ode to Pulpo Paul Paul January 2008 – 26 October 2010 (pic source unknown) Dearly beloved, today the world lays to rest our darling multi-armed [...]

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