Baked Aubergine with Hummus and Zaatar Greek Yoghurt

grilled aubergine hummus and zaatar yoghurt

Serves 2

The Cape Town food loving community has adopted Meat Free Monday  with zeal and while we all attempt to reduce our carbon foot print, re- use, re-purpose and recycle, eating a meat free meal one or more times a week is a simple contribution toward that end.

A really easy, fuss free meat free meal (or accompaniment to a meal) is grilled aubergine served with home-made hummus and a dollop of thick natural yoghurt dusted with zaatar, a lemony sesame seed Lebanese spice.


4 medium sized aubergines, cut in half lengthwise

3 ml allspice

salt, to taste

3 T olive oil

1 cup Hummus (ingredients and method below)

1/2 cup thick Greek yoghurt (or low fat version)

1 T zaatar

1 t sumac (optional)


Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

Place aubergines on a greased (spray n cook works well) baking tray.

ready to bake

Sprinkle allspice and salt over aubergines.

Drizzle oil over and bake for 40- 50 minutes, until aubergines are tender and cooked through.

Serve aubergines with hummus (recipe below) and a dollop of thick Greek yoghurt and sprinkle zaatar over.

meat free monday delight

For the Hummus


1 x can chick peas, drained (440 grams)

1/4 cup of liquid from chick peas

5 T lemon juice

handful toasted pine nuts (optional)

1.5 T tahini paste (I omitted this)

2 cloves garlic

salt, to taste

3 T olive oil


Process all ingredients in a blender or with a hand held blender till smooth.

Delicious with warm, toasted pita breads and crackers.

taste of the Middle East