Gozo – Malta’s Little Sister

By |2017-05-05T16:22:21+02:00May 5th, 2015|Europe, Featured Articles, Food & Travel, Malta & Gozo, People, Portfolio, Published, Travel, Travel in Europe|

Gozo - Malta's Little Sister. Sister Act Through storms, sunshine and architectural remnants of a glorious past, Ishay Govender-Ypma discovers what the Pitt-Jolies recently found in Gozo, sister island to Malta in the Maltese Archipelago– a sliver of paradise. For SAA Sawubona magazine, May 2015 Suddenly, a table flips a few centimeters into the air [...]

Malta & Gozo – Instagram Highlights

By |2017-05-05T16:32:07+02:00November 4th, 2014|Europe, Food & Fab Endorsed, Malta & Gozo, Travel, Travel in Europe|

Malta & Gozo - Instagram Highlights. #MaltaisMore My recent trip to the serene and tranquil Gozo (at the same time Brad and Angelina were hosting their lavish honeymoon and filming Under the Sea, we were told), and the bigger sister-big city island Malta, had many highlights. Balmy weather with sultry nights for terrace dining, aquamarine [...]

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