The Changing Face of Brooklyn Dining – A Tour

By |2017-05-05T15:48:07+02:00March 17th, 2016|Destination Meals, Featured Articles, Food & Travel, North America, People, Portfolio, Published, Restaurants, Tourism, Travel, Travel in North America|

Brooklyn Dining Tour - New York There’s more to Brooklyn’s culinary scene than Williamsburg. Ishay Govender-Ypma (@IshayGovender) started in Greenpoint and kept walking on a Brooklyn Dining Tour. For SAA Sawubona Magazine, March 2016.  Brooklyn Dining Tour featured in the SAA Sawubona Magazine North of Hip What used to be, if the travel [...]

Durban’s Art Scene

By |2017-05-05T15:53:06+02:00February 25th, 2016|Africa, Art, Cities, Durban, Featured Articles, People, Portfolio, Published, South Africa, South African Tourism, Tourism, Travel, Travel in Africa|

Durban's Art Scene - Up and Coming, South Africa   A tough city for artists, Ishay Govender-Ypma explores the heart of the Durban’s Art Scene and creative spirit. For AFK Travel Undercover City Durban Taxi Mural Durban’s potential tends to bubble beneath the surface, not quite as bold and direct as Johannesburg or Cape [...]

Cooking in Teotitlán de Valle, Oaxaca – Mexico

By |2017-05-05T15:59:38+02:00December 5th, 2015|Adventure, Destination Meals, Featured Articles, Food & Travel, Markets, Mexico, North America, People, Portfolio, Published, Travel, Travel in North America|

Cooking in Teotitlán de Valle with a Zapotec family We had the opportunity to learn some cooking tips from a Zapotec woman, a Mexican indigenous group who settled in the area of Oxaca, Mexico. We were shown the true meaning of slow living, loving and eating. For Fine Dining Lovers, 20 Nov 2015.  At Teotitlán de [...]

Cape Town Corner Stores

By |2017-05-05T16:00:06+02:00December 1st, 2015|Adventure, Africa, Cape Town, Cities, Featured Articles, History, People, Portfolio, Published, Review, South Africa, South African Tourism, Tourism, Travel, Travel in Africa|

Show Me the Way to the Next Corner Store - Cape Town, South Africa The small, independently run Cape Town Corner Stores are a dying breed, and those that still exist, do so valiantly and against the odds. Ishay Govender-Ypma shares the stories of seven local old stores, institutions to their loyal customers. For High Life, [...]

A Vegetarian’s Guide to Chennai, India

By |2017-05-05T16:01:58+02:00November 25th, 2015|Asia, Cities, Destination Meals, Featured Articles, Food, Food & Travel, India, People, Portfolio, Published, Travel, Travel in Asia|

A Vegetarian's Guide to Chennai - Food of the South Chennai market  A return to the Motherland - Chennai, India. For TASTE Magazine.  It dawns on me at the Georgetown market in Chennai, that the locals find me perplexing. Amid ox-drawn carts piled with fresh vegetables, the vendors sit cross-legged in front of [...]

Queens – Feasting Along the 7 Line

By |2017-05-05T16:09:37+02:00October 20th, 2015|Featured Articles, Food & Travel, North America, People, Portfolio, Published, Travel, Travel in North America|

Queens – Feasting Along the 7 Line. A Mini Guide Known as the International Express, Ishay Govender-Ypma leaves the familiarity of Manhattan and the hip eateries in Brooklyn for dollar-dining and diversity along the 7-subway line in Queens. *This article was written for Business Day Wanted Magazine, October 2015*    Finally, it’s our turn at [...]

Farewell, little girl

By |2017-04-05T14:15:17+02:00October 9th, 2015|Fiction & Frivolity, Instagram, Mexico, North America, People, Photography, Portfolio, Travel in North America|

Farewell, little girl. A poem. Indigenous Raramuri girls, at a boarding school Cerocahui, close to the Urique Canyon. I was so hestitant to visit, perferring to give a donation instead. When Christina my guide looked at me with pleading eyes, I decided to accompany her, and was really glad I did in the end. With [...]

Mine are the hands

By |2017-04-05T14:23:43+02:00October 8th, 2015|Fiction & Frivolity, Instagram, Mexico, North America, People, Photography, Portfolio, Travel in North America|

Mine are the hands. For Juanita For Juanita, Elsa's grandmother. Back story from my Instagram account: Juanita is an indigenous Raramuri woman from Cerocahui, a small town at the base of the Urique Canyon in the Copper Canyon. Her granddaughter invited us to their home unannounced, and despite being surprised, Jaunita made us freshly ground thick [...]

Woman in the Blue Skirt

By |2017-04-05T14:20:13+02:00September 10th, 2015|Fiction & Frivolity, Instagram, People, Photography, Portfolio, Travel in Europe|

Woman in the Blue Skirt. [On Loss] Woman in the Blue Skirt This post appeared on InstagramHow high the stairs before the summit. How pained your limbs before this journey.How twisted the path you could never envision. Silvery webs coat our speech, an opiate perhaps, blanketing the hesitation and discomfort. Your tentative steps as a [...]

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