An Ode to Rooibos 

By |2023-08-02T14:23:20+02:00September 11th, 2019|Africa, Destination Meals, Drinks, Featured Articles, Food & Travel, Food Culture, Home, Published, Reported Work, South Africa, South African Tourism, Travel, Travel and Culture|

You are ten-years-old when you first taste black tea and honey, only the tea is a rich amber hue and the honey is tempered with a slice of gnarly-skinned Eureka lemon from the backyard. Your grandma and aunties drink milky Ceylon tea like fancy Five Roseswhen there are guests or Trinco for daily consumption, with three teaspoons of white sugar, buttered Marie biscuits on the side.

Going Home for the Holidays

By |2017-04-05T12:58:18+02:00January 25th, 2016|Essay, Featured Articles, Holidays, Home, Portfolio, Published, South Africa|

The Sweet Joy & Pain of Going Home for the Holidays Going back home for the holidays may bring you back to your childhood days.  Reflections on the things that don’t change, and the things that do. For Bright Rock Change Exchange, 20 Jan 2016 with my parents Crocodile tears. I think it was [...]

How Durban, My Hometown, Made Me Who I Am

By |2017-05-05T15:57:53+02:00December 28th, 2015|Africa, Cities, Durban, Featured Articles, Home, Portfolio, Published, South Africa, South African Tourism, Tourism, Travel in Africa|

A Love Letter to Durban, city of my birth - South Africa  Durban, my hometown - the love I have for the city that made me who I am today. Durban ("Durbs") will forever live in my heart. For AFK Travel, 15 Dec 2015.  From the chilly west coast of South Africa, I find myself looking [...]

Your Childhood Home – Going Back There

By |2017-04-06T17:35:15+02:00March 28th, 2015|Africa, Featured Articles, Holidays, Home, People, Portfolio, Published, South Africa, The Fabulous|

Returning to your childhood home - my journey Ishay Govender-Ypma reflects on her returning to your childhood home, the changes that make visiting difficult and the constant pull to return. For Visi Magazine. Each year I return to our family home that rests at the bottom of steep road. The suburb has faded somewhat into [...]

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