Mealie pap – white maize meal porridge

By |2023-08-02T14:15:44+02:00September 11th, 2019|Africa, Featured Article, Food, Food & Travel, Food Culture, History, Published, recipe, Recipes, Reported Work, South Africa, Travel in Africa|

On cold mornings, I recall my mother bustling about in our suburban South African kitchen, ladling out bowls of creamy mealie meal papor porridge. Hot from the saucepan, she’d stir in a little more milk and sugar, and occasionally, a cube of cold, unsalted butter and a tablespoonful of tinned golden syrup.

Going Back There – Reflections on Home

By |2017-04-06T17:34:03+02:00April 15th, 2015|As Seen On, Featured Articles, Non-fiction, Nostalgia, Portfolio, Published|

Going Back There - Reflections on Home for Visi Magazine celebrating my husband's birthday with my parents in their home Ishay Govender-Ypma reflects on her childhood home, the changes that make visiting difficult and the constant pull to return. (Visi Magazine asked me to contribute a column on "home". A version of this [...]

Semolina Soji (Sooji) – Childhood Memories MasterChef SA Week 4

By |2017-05-08T12:41:23+02:00April 10th, 2012|Bread & Savoury Bakes, Cakes, Cookies & Sweets, Featured Articles, Food, Food & Fab Endorsed, Indian Food Easy Peasy, Recipe Development, Recipe Index, Recipes, Woolworths & MasterChef SA 2012|

Reflections on a childhood in Natal and the comfort of a buttery bowl of semolina soji - simple and wholesome.

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